Friday, April 21, 2006

And finally, Münster

On Sunday, we took the train to Münster. We changed trains in Hamm. You can see the sort of weather early spring can bring in northern Europe:

Münster itself was very nice, with its own cathedrals and sights. This is a the middle of the town:

The cathedral has a very impressive clock in it that keeps track of the movement of the planets, sun, and moon, as well as telling time. It even has a skeleton that rings a bell for each quarter-hour:

There’s a big university in Münster—one of the largest in Germany. Here are Robin and Robert trying to find it. Hahaha:

At the end of our trip, we rested at a little park by the lake, enjoying the inspiring sculptures there:

I’ll do my best to go to a few pubs this weekend so the pub pictures can return.

Oh, and happy birthday to the Queen!


At Fri Apr 21, 10:23:00 AM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

is that munster the same as the cheese? or Herman?

I like the big baseballs. U-S-A! U-S-A!

At Fri Apr 21, 11:20:00 AM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Astronomical Clocks are fascinating. What never ceases to amaze me is the geegaws people put on them (dancing skeletons, etc.) when the fact that a clock could be designed which all-in-one keeps track of basically the entirety of movement of the visible heavens is impressive enough.

That said, a dancing skeleton is pretty cool.

At Fri Apr 21, 02:30:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God save the Queen, her facist regieme, it made you a moron ...

At Mon Apr 24, 09:08:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

eric and the queen have the same birthday! long live eric and the queen!

At Thu Apr 27, 02:41:00 AM EDT, Blogger Rodrigo said...

fantasticas fotos,
pienso viajar esta semana a conocer europa,

saludos desde Chile

At Thu Apr 27, 08:28:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah. I could read Patagonian_mystic's comment. Mild success.


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