Welcome to Heathrow
We hope that you enjoyed your flight and that your stay in London, or wherever your final destination may be, is a pleasant one.
We hope that you enjoyed your flight and that your stay in London, or wherever your final destination may be, is a pleasant one.
We miss you, too...but take comfort in the fact that milk is color-coded where you are.
And crossing the street over there comes with helpful, block-print instructions.
Look both ways and don't trust anyone.
Aren't you the least bit excited to take up your exciting international lifestyle again? Just think of all the people who are living through you vicariously! I, for one, am looking forward to new pics and anecdotes. But sorry to hear you're dangerously nostalgic, hope you feel better soon.
On the bright side, the UK probably has fewer cans of Sparks that would upset your stomach.
On the not-so-bright side, the UK has Irn-Bru, which is just as nasty and tastes equally as terrible when mixed with alcohol...so you can re-create the New York experience whenever you're feeling nostalgic. Bonza!
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