Friday, December 16, 2005

Another cafeteria holiday

Yesterday, we had our Christmas Lunch in the cafeteria. The food line was decorated with greenery and gold decorations, and there was soft Christmas music playing.

There was a Christmas quiz, and we all got crackers (those tubes you pull apart with a pop that have things inside) that each had a prize, a joke and trivia question, and a paper crown. You can see the crowns on display here.

My joke was very British:
Q: What car is like a sausage?
A: An old banger!

This was my trivia question:
Q: Which former Radio 1 disc jockey and TV presenter also fought over 100 bouts as a Professional wrestler?

I’ll post the answer tomorrow. I need more suspense here.


At Fri Dec 16, 12:40:00 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you sing "Proud to be an American" and refuse to wear your crown? I'm proud of you.

At Fri Dec 16, 12:44:00 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing I've noticed is a lack of pictures of you. Seeing as you are holding the camera this might be hard but its all in the name of science. I remember that you had reasonably fair complexion. I was hoping to see if England could make a pale person turn pasty. Maybe you can photograph your arm with your sleeve up. I would hypothesize that the back of your hand would get even paler than the arm which is probably not exposed to the elements. Just a thought

At Fri Dec 16, 02:58:00 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Duke. You should be able to photograph yourself pretty easily. You have long arms and a skinny body so it should be easy to capture yourself. Takes a little practice but seems you spend plenty of time with this camera. The Golden Barbarian.

At Fri Dec 16, 04:04:00 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, length of limbs aside, I think the mystery works well for you.


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