Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Year of the Pig

This weekend I went to Chinatown with some friends for the first day of the Chinese new year. This is the Year of the Pig, and according to some sources, it’s the Year of the Golden Pig, which happens only once every 600 years.

Mott Street was crowded:

While we were there, we watched a big red lion go from store to store:

People were shooting confetti into the air from hand-held fireworks. Daryn caught one of the little parachutes that came out. For his sake, I hope it means good luck:

Happy new year!


At Wed Feb 21, 11:46:00 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really love that the Golden Pig is a sham to dupe Koreans into maternity.


At Wed Feb 21, 12:30:00 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the fact that it is the Year of the Pig mean I get to eat more or less pork? And, if it is indeed a "Golden Pig," does that mean it comes with extra cracklin's?


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