Happy Halloween!
(And now I’m going to be late for work).
We hope that you enjoyed your flight and that your stay in London, or wherever your final destination may be, is a pleasant one.
Another Poland post (while I’m still hemming and hawing over what to do with the blog):
On my way up to Edinburgh in September, I stopped in York for the day. York is in northern England and has significant Roman and Viking history, as well as a tremendous cathedral, which was built on the site of a Roman fortress. Among other things (including buying cold medicine and kleenex), I took one of the free walking tours of the town. This was the tour guide. He just looks like he knows stuff, doesn’t he?
I got back from Poland last night. It was a great trip, and I took a lot of photos, so I won’t go through the whole thing here. But here are a few pictures to begin at least a little of the description of the trip.
Wow! So I’m posting this from my Blackberry. I’m currently on a train from Wrocław to Kraków. It didn’t occur to me until now to use the Blackberry to post, and it’s a much slower process than on a computer, but it’s amazing what opportunities can present themselves on a four-and-a-half hour train ride.