Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Doesn’t this seem like a weird name for a movie to you?


At Tue Jun 27, 08:52:00 AM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes! That well-known classic, "The World Cup Semi Finals." Which really ought to be titled "Becks," and not "Rooney" (who has yet to score a goal)...

At Tue Jun 27, 11:11:00 AM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that's ROOONEY (3 Os), not Rooney.

At Tue Jun 27, 12:01:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ladies and gentlemen, I present the Trifecta of Suck:

a) England;

b) Rooney;

c) Roooney.

At Tue Jun 27, 12:15:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'd probably prefer "Bend it like Beckham." As would most of England -- this week.

But here's my question: Basically the entire Portugal side got a red card in the match against Holland (my pick to win the whole thing, but let's ignore my stupidity for the moment). I'd expected England fans to feel pretty good about the fact that their next opponent basically decimated itself while knocking off an arguably more dangerous opponent. But those England fans to whom I've spoken seem more ticked off than anything, as if a win over Portugal would just prolong the agony. Can this be true?

At Tue Jun 27, 02:09:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My England-supporting friends explained that England has yet to have a single "quality win"--i.e. they look good enough to win the whole thing. A win against Portugal--fully staffed--might have done it. Now, they have what should be an easy win against Portugal, which because they are decimated will not be a "quality win". And then they get Brazil in the semis, where they will lose because Brazil's players are not of this earth (or something like that) but in fact gods from the planet football.

And then the England fans will go home having played into the semis and thinking their team underacheived.

At Wed Jun 28, 10:50:00 AM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I care about is that soccer players are HOT.

::slinks away::

At Wed Jun 28, 04:14:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rooney is not hot. Becks and Gerrard are hot.

::slinks away to join joy::


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