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Q-tips are hard to comment on.
I propose "Q-Tips and Chapstick: American Hygiene in Microcosm" as the next V&A exhibition.
Bo knows Q-tips.
And I know
what Bo
don't know...
The only thing I know about Q-Tips is that you're not supposed to stick them in your ears. There was a whole New Yorker article about this; it's evidently one of the most dangerous things you can do in your home. Of course, if you can't stick them in your ears, what possible purpose could they serve?
How much chap stick can you possibly use?
The latest substitute for bathing is to cover your entire body in a fine layer of Chap-Stick, as a protective coating. It means you never have to wash again.
The Q-Tips are for applying the Chap-Stick.
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