Special visitors
My parents are here. I’ve been working for the first three days they’ve been here, but they’ve fended for themselves perfectly well, and I’ve managed to meet up with them after work. Last night we went to a pub (for a change) not too far from where I work. Here they are, looking happy to be in an English pub:

The pub itself was really charming:

Mom and I took pictures of each other, so for the first time ever, here’s a picture of me on the blog:

Hee, hee, hee, hee.
I am overwhelmed by the mystery that is you, Jennifer.
You've become Norm's wife on "Cheers."
Michael Collins, the one-time Chief of Staff of the I.R.A., was never captured because he had never had his picture taken, so no-one knew what he looked like.
Is there something you're not telling us?
You look great Punt and John,
I met Catherine Sinatra today. What a neat story.
Niall poses an interesting question. I'm curious about your Easter plans.
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