Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Street scene

Not a lot of action to report from yesterday. I thought I’d put a picture up of a street scene from near work, just to show that I occasionally go outside during the day. In fact, yesterday was a nice and sunny day, and I was trying to capture that. However, it’s getting more and more difficult to actually catch the daylight, as it continues to shorten. So this picture of the double-decker bus with the streetlights just coming on will have to do.


At Tue Dec 13, 10:39:00 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes, a day is just a day.

I understand that the last of the old Roadmasters are being retired. Shame.

At Tue Dec 13, 02:59:00 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was hoping from the title that there had been some sort of brawl. But, noted--sometimes a day is just a day. And sometimes an office is just an oven with the blaring sun baking us slowly through the glass windows.


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