Thursday, November 24, 2005

Papers are signed!

I didn’t want to say anything until the papers were signed, given the bad experience before, but now... I’ve signed a lease, and I move in on Saturday! Email me if you want pictures of the place.

More quick news updates:
I have gotten a definite answer on the internet connection in the hotel—they’ll be reconnecting it the day after I leave. The short posts continue.

Last night I had dinner with with John (you can see his picture in the “Good weekend” post), who explained that the cricket score 253-3 was not England 253, Pakistan 3. It means that England has 253 and has lost 3 out of 10 men. Well, of course!

And finally, as of midnight last night, we can now drink 24 hours a day. You can tell everyone is as excited as I am about this—check out the BBC news photos: for example, this one and this one.

And Happy Thanksgiving!


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