’Tis a wee hill, but grand
Last picture from Ireland. Our tour of the historical sites around Dublin culminated in a trip to the Hill of Tara, where the Celtic kings were crowned. Paul, our tour guide, described it: “’tis a wee hill, but grand. If you’re of Irish descentif you have any Celtic blood at all... welcome home.”

The Hill of Tara has, among other things, two interlinking circular mounds. They’re amazing as you walk around them, but they’re easier to discern from above.
Also on the site is the Stone of Destiny, or Lia Fáil. According to legend, this stone was used to crown the Celtic rulers. The stone lets out a scream when touched by a future king.

I’ll avoid putting more pictures of myself here. But I’ll report, sadly, that I’m evidently not destined to be a Celtic queen.