Welcome to Heathrow
We hope that you enjoyed your flight and that your stay in London, or wherever your final destination may be, is a pleasant one.
We hope that you enjoyed your flight and that your stay in London, or wherever your final destination may be, is a pleasant one.
I wonder what question did y'all in?
Many many of them—that was the problem.
Did y'all have a clever team name?
U - S - A! U - S - A! Don't worry--you still would have had all the TV coverage anyway.
I have to say that I'm a little disappointed with your team's body language . . . with the exception of the woman in the right foreground. She looks proud and resolute. She may have lost, but she's no loser. I nominate her for your captaincy.
Unless she's just drunk.
<quote>The tricky thing is they keep asking questions about the UK; and Europe; and the rest of the World. We rock when it comes to the US though...</quote>
There must be a pub in London looking for a plucky team of US ringers for quiz night!
I try to keep my comments here to a minimum, but, John, your gross misquote has put me on the defensive. We do fine on Europe and the rest of the World. What’s tricky is that they keep asking about UK pop stars from the early 90s, UK television shows from the early 80s, and gardening tools that have different names in British English than American English. (And we do rock when it comes to the U.S.).
Ah, you mixed up your shears and your secateurs, did you? We Americans are hopeless . . .
And come on, "Gary Glitter" is the answer to all those questions about Eighties English pop stars anyway (especially these days).
For example, "Who is the famous English pop star from the 1980s whose wacky vacation in Viet Nam is likely to become the long awaited sequal 'Midnight Express 2?'"
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